Flexible CAD solutions

Some projects at a glance

Our "CAD all-round carefree package"

In the constantly changing world of Facility Management and the Architecture we are presenting some remarkable projects to you today, all of which have one thing in common: They utilise our innovative "CAD all-round carefree package„.
These projects are characterised by long-term cooperation and a high degree of mutual trust.

The particular advantage of our package lies in its extraordinary Flexibilitythat enables us to do so, customised to develop solutions for the individual requirements of our customers. Let's take a look at some specific examples:


For one of our industrial customers...

... we maintain an extensive ArchiCAD model. This model includes essential elements such as escape, door and occupancy plans as well as the precise positioning of various machines. Our workflow is highly efficient: the customer sends us if required Sketches and comments on necessary adjustments. In the case of more complex changes, we do not shy away from travelling to the customer to record the situation on site and then update the model accordingly. The end result is always high-quality PDF plans, which we provide to the customer.

Another project demonstrates the versatility of our services: here, the customer collects all structural changes and we integrate them into the existing DWG plans every six months. After each update, we provide the customer with the plans with a new index in a document management system. This procedure ensures that everyone involved is always working with the most up-to-date information.


With an impressive building...

... our customer operates and manages a Surface area from about 46.000 m². In addition to regular plan updates, we also support the Space management. When tenants change, we make the necessary adjustments and utilise the efficiency of BuildingOneto quickly and precisely determine the space per tenant. This data enables our customer to efficiently adjust the rental agreements.

Our range of services...

... goes far beyond these specific projects. We are always at our customers' side when CAD-related Questions or Problems emerge. Even in the event of a short-term need for Drawing workbe it due to a major project or the unexpected absence of an employee, our customers can rely on our flexible support.

With our "CAD all-round carefree package" we offer Architects, Building managers and Facility Managers one Solutionthat adapts seamlessly to your individual needs. Our expertise in leading CAD technologies and BuildingOne enables us to develop efficient and future-proof solutions for the modern Facility management to deliver.

Do you have similar requirements?

If you are facing a similar problem, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks to our partner network, we can also support you in areas that we do not offer directly. The advantage for you is that we are your single point of contact and will take care of everything you need.

We look forward to hearing from you. See you soon!

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