
OneTools Project Luxembourg s.à r.l.

OneTools Project Luxembourg S.à r.l.
Härepesch, 5
L-7651 Heffingen

+352 20 60 04 63

OneTools Project Luxembourg S.à r.l. is registered as a société à responsabilité limitée with a share capital of € 12,000 in Luxembourg under the number B215146. It is represented by the managing director Bob Banzer.

The VAT identification number of OneTools Project Luxembourg s.à r.l. is LU29544756.

Image sources:
Photo by LYCS Architecture on Unsplash
Image from Sambeet Da on Pixabaya
Photo from Markus Spiske from Pexels
Image from Bethany Drouin on Pixaba
Background PSD created by freepik -
Background iPhone 11 -