Successful student project with BuildingOne!


Project coordination in a cross-class project

A few weeks ago, we were contacted by a dedicated BTS student. He told us about an exciting cross-class project: an existing building was to be modelled in 3D to meet two different customer requirements. In addition to the 3D model, specific solutions for the customers‘ respective needs were to be presented. The student was of the opinion that BuildingOne was the optimal solution for both customers – and we couldn’t agree more! 😉

Customer requirements:

  1. Space management and inventory solution: The first customer manages the building’s space and needed a solution for inventorying furniture and all room elements, as well as a solution that would allow them to manage the rental of the rooms and elements.
  2. Building maintenance: The second customer is responsible for the maintenance and rental of the building and was looking for a suitable solution.

In consultation with the course instructor, we organised two appointments during which we presented BuildingOne to the students and answered all their questions. We then made our software available to them so that they could try it out and synchronise the models from Revit to incorporate them into their presentation.

Despite a tight time frame of only 28 hours, the students worked together with great commitment even outside the scheduled times. They overcame the challenges that arise on a daily basis in real projects.

After the final presentation, the customers were so convinced that a further development of the course is very likely.

🎉 Hats off for this outstanding achievement! 🎉

We are proud to have been part of this ambitious project and look forward to future collaborations.

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